The Thomas Jefferson of the Pell Grant Elites For a brief period, I was a community college scholar. This should come as no surprise to anyone who knew me as a fifth-grade genius. During the intervening years, I may have fallen off the educational map. Spectacularly some would say, through my year as an …
Category Archive: The Polish Hammer Poetry Corner
Mar 18
THE POLISH HAMMER POETRY CORNER: A Tale of Two Idiots, My Ten-Year Friendship with Brian Fugett
A Tale of Two Idiots, My Ten-Year Friendship with Brian Fugett Before Zygote In My Coffee, there was Babel. Babel was a monthly online literary journal edited by Victor Thorn. Victor Thorn you may not remember was a bit of a wild man, himself, a man who never met a conspiracy theory he couldn’t connect back …
Mar 11
THE POLISH HAMMER POETRY CORNER: Scream For Me, Long Beach!! by Karl Koweski
Scream For Me, Long Beach!! The carnie had three teeth in his head. They peeked out from behind his thin lips like shit-dipped Tic-Tacs every time he talked around the unfiltered Camel smoldering in the corner of his mouth. “It’s a dollar a dart, kid. Dollar a dart. Bust any balloon, you pick a poster.” …
Mar 04
The Polish Hammer Poetry Corner Beards Back in my day, a beard was a woman you’d agree to marry when too many people began questioning your need for such an extensive Barbie collection and your fixation with drinking Rose wine with your brunch. Nowadays, everyone has a beard. Seriously, I can’t remember the last time …
Feb 25
THE POLISH HAMMER POETRY CORNER: Just Another Casualty of the Industrial Revolution by Karl Koweski
The Polish Hammer Poetry Corner Just Another Casualty of the Industrial Revolution I didn’t set out to be a factory worker. Near as I can remember, I didn’t set out to be much of anything. I knew I was poor. I knew most every path would entail working for a living, likely existing paycheck …
Feb 18
THE POLISH HAMMER POETRY CORNER: The Ballad of Extended Adolescence by Karl Koweski
The Polish Hammer Poetry Corner The Ballad of Extended Adolescence Twenty miles away from where I’m sitting right now writing this column, my twenty-two-year-old son is sitting in a rented house staring at a computer screen of his own. He’s not writing a column or working on a novel that’s only going to fizzle out …
Feb 11
THE POLISH HAMMER POETRY CORNER: The Polish Hammer Strikes Again by Karl Koweski
The Polish Hammer Poetry Corner The Polish Hammer Strikes Again I’ve been doing this for a long time. Writing, that is, with the intention of allowing any number of unknown people to judge me by the bullshit I put down on paper. I started getting my poetry and stories published in the early nineties, right …