
Feb 26

Tesla In A McDonald’s Parking Lot by Michael D. Grover

Tesla In A McDonald’s Parking Lot
(A History Lesson From Walking The Dog}

There’s a Tesla in the McDonald’s parking lot
I guess rich people need food too
I guess Tesla never wanted an elitist status symbol
Named after him

No, Nicola Tesla was a man of the people
He wasn’t a right wing, snob nosed, fascist
Free energy for everybody
That is why they had to kill him
This is why they kill anything in the World that grows wild
That they can’t control

Over the years Michael D. Grover has become a legendary underground Poet. Back in the early 2000s he ran Covert Press and worked with many of the giants of underground Poetry. Michael has been published in countless publications all over the World and published over fifteen books of Poetry. Michael spent over ten years as head Poetry editor of the literary zine Red Fez. Michael has published two novels. Michael currently lives in Florida, dealing with cancer, with his dog where he meditates every day.