Handbill: Mothpocalypse

Zygote in my Coffee #136

Zygote in my Coffee #136 features the work of Heather Ann Schmidt, Katie Moore, Michele McDannold, James Babbs, Andrew Rihn, Kenneth P. Gurney, Paul Tristram, Kyle Jaeger, Josh Olsen and Karl Koweski.

New Release from Word Riot

The May 2011 issue of Word Riot is now available online featuring the work of Kari Kamin, Tobias Carroll, Stefanie Freele, M. Thomas Gammarino, Sarah Gerard, William T. Vandemark, Tim Bass, Erik Doughty, Gary Moshimer, Bob Thurber, Kenneth P. Gurney, Derek N. Otsuji, Justin Rousse, Debra Shirley, Lucy Simpson, Alexander Stachniak, Steve Williams and Jessica Young.