New book by RC Edrington from Underground Voices

C. Powell, publisher and editor of Underground Voices, has set up a Facebook page for the forthcoming book (June 15, 2013) “Scarred Canvas” by RC Edrington.

Please support his efforts, and the book of course, by visiting the Facebook page: Scarred Canvas. You’re also encouraged, should you chose, to spread the word through Google+.

A few of the early reviews are posted.

“Lamentations of lost love and empty syringes as a seedy disdain proliferates in dark alleys and cigarette ashes. Brutal angst of self-creation, bitter as a $10 blow-job, spills with JD and gutted memories. If Quentin Tarantino wrote poetry, well.. you get my drift.” –Cheryl “CAT” Townsend

for more information visit

New Issue of Citizens For Decent Literature

Citizens For Decent Literature Issue #5: AMERICA! (and everywhere else)

Eleanor Leonne Bennett, Luis Cuauhtemoc Berriozabal, Rich Boucher, Tom Bradley, Alan Catlin, Jack Cooper, Cassandra Dallett, Carl Miller Daniels, William Doreski, Lisa Douglass, Andrew Finch, Brian W. Fugett, Michael Grover, Dustin Holland, Fran Lock, Richard King Perkins II, Rebecca Schumejda, Ben John Smith, Bud Smith, Tommy Swerdlow, TWIGGY, Frank Walsh

Zygote Mania!

Issue #140 of Zygote in my Coffee is now LIVE on the interwebs! This issue features the work of Sarah Alderman, Bud Smith, Michael D. Goscinski, Andrew James Stone, Ted Jackins, Dustin Holland, Paul Corman-Roberts, Karl Koweski, Chris Butler, Carl Miller Daniels, Brian Rosenberger, J.J. Campbell, Euginia Tan, J. Claudius Cloyd, and many more!

a new episode of Zygote in my Radio.
Brian W. Fugett, Michael D. Goscinski and Michelle L. Quinn (the three initialed)
listen in …

New Issue of In Between Altered States

Episode 32…Stranded! It is the first episode of the year featuring Kenneth Gagnon, Delphine Boswell, Michael A. Kechula, Bob Schofield, Joshua J. Mark, Bakhulule Maluleka, Bayard Tarpley, and Angel Zapata. Enjoy!!

New book by James Babbs available now from Interior Noise Press

new full-length collection from poet James Babbs
Disturbing The Light

Now available from

You can save 25% using Discount Code: 4V5RKNMB at the INP E-Store

Click here to order now.


Disturbing the Light

sitting here in
the living room watching
the way the sunlight falls
across the floor making
these rectangles of light and
I remember how you
always avoided them
whenever you got up to
go to the bathroom or
the kitchen stepping
carefully over them or
walking around them but
never just going through them and
one day I asked you
why you did this and
you laughed, softly
said you didn’t want to
disturb the light and
now you’re gone and
I want to run around the room
scream at the top of my lungs and
step into the middle of
all those rectangles so
the light shines on me and
no longer touches the floor

New Issue of Trailer Park Quarterly

Trailer Park Quarterly v3
Contributors: T.A. Noonan, Scott Fynboe, Gary Charles Wilkens, William Taylor Jr., April M. Bratten, Amy Schreibman Walter, Sarah Carson, Alan Catlin, Dennis Mahagin, Steve Henn, Aleathia Drehmer, Eric Boyd James R. Tomlinson

The Weekenders Magazine: Issue 3

Issue #3 of The Weekenders Magazine. Tons of great stuff, including interviews with MANDEM and Catfish McDaris.

Kufre Udeme, Andrew J. Stone, Christine Tsen James Sanchez, Arun Budhathoki, Carl Scharwath, A.J. Huffman, April Dworsky, Brenda Wall Ryan, Donal Mahoney, John Saunders, Barbara Moore, Jonathan Butcher, Kevin Hibshman, Kevin Ridgeway, A.g. Synclair, Maurice Devitt, James Lawless, Paul Trishtham, Ian C. Smith, Yevgeniy Levitskiy, Howie Good, Brian Le Lay, Kevin Tocsa, Joshua Schwartzkopf, Kent L Johnson, Kenneth Radu, Leesa Cross-Smith, James Claffey, Ginny Swart, Kyle Hemmings

read it for free here:

New Chapbook from poet James Babbs

The Weight of Invisible Things by James Babbs

The Weight of Invisible Things is now available for preorder from Finishing Line Press. Your preorder helps to determine the pressrun of the book so if you are interested please place your order now and pay only $12 plus $1.99 per copy shipping. The Weight of Invisible Things will ship in early March 2013.

“James Babbs delivers a vibrant collection of poems that explores loss, loneliness, and unrequited love with all of the rawness and acuity of an X-ray of the soul.” – Brian Fugett (editor/Zygote in my Coffee)

To order online click on the link below

The Weight of Invisible Things

Book Release: The Daughters of Bastards by Iris Berry

The Daughters of Bastards by Iris Berry
Published by Punk Hostage Press
Afterword by Dimitri Monroe, Introduction by Pleasant Gehman, Cover design or artwork by Geoff Melville, Edited by A. Razor, Associate editor Michele McDannold
124 pages, 6″ x 9″
Purchase here

The long awaited book from Punk Hostage Press founding editor Iris Berry, entitled The Daughters Of Bastards, is a ride through the dirty streets of 1980s Hollywood that never stops delivering the real taste of a womanhood claiming a place for itself surrounded by the perverseness of a crumbling mystique that was once a golden tinseled dreamland.

About the author:
Iris Berry is one of the founding creative minds behind Punk Hostage Press. She is a native Angeleno who writes about her personal experiences from the sun baked asphalt violent streets of Pacoima, running away to the allure of late 70’s Hollywood, at the age of 15, looking for a better life against the historical backdrop of the Los Angeles skyline.

Her poetry and prose, as well as her performances in such memorable groups as the Lame Flames and the Ringling Sisters, are an integral part of L.A.’s contemporary literary movement. She has recently featured articles and interviews in Slake, her most recent being an in depth interview with Art Kunkin, the founder of the Los Angeles Free Press back in the early 60s.

Her latest book, The Daughters of Bastards, features some of her most intimate work she has shared with the public to date. A working title that she has compiled these personalized stories under for the last 10 years, these poems and stories represent a grappling with the idea of origin and the drift that occurs when the umbilical has been cut and the search begins for what might have been lost at the beginning.

It reflects her experiences and gives insight to some of her adventurous times growing up on the streets of Hollywood in the golden era of the LA punk rock scene.

New Issue at Citizens For Decent Literature

the third online issue of CFDL is now live.
Issue #3 – Indulge

James Babbs, Brenton Booth, Mike Boyle, Wanda Morrow Clevenger, Carl Miller Daniels, Brian Fugett, Nick Gerrard, John Grey, John Grochalski, Teri Louise Kelly, George Korolog, Keith Landrum, Catfish McDaris, Tim Murray, Josh Olsen, Rob Pierce, Kevin Ridgeway, Jason Ryberg, Amy Sasser, Quasimofo Snyder, Philip Vermaas, Patrick Vincent Welsh.

copies of Citizens For Decent Literature Print Zine #4 are still available AND FREE. message your snail mail to admin(at)theliteraryunderground[dot]org if you would like a copy.