

Nathanael William Stolte

Nathanael William Stolte

Nathanael William Stolte is the author of five chapbooks, A Beggars Book of Poems (LastFirstPress, 2015), Bumblebee Petting Zoo (CWP Collective Press, 2016), Fools’ Song (CWP Collective Press, 2016), Origami Creature (Ghost City Press, 2018), & A Beggar’s Prayer Book (NightBallet Press, 2018). His poems have appeared in Guide to Kulture Creative Journal, Le Mot Juste, The Rising Phoenix Review, The Buffalo News, Mutada Re and various other online and print publications. He is the Acquisitions Editor for CWPCollective Press. He was voted best poet in Buffalo by Artvoices’ “Best of Buffalo” in 2016. He is a madcap, flower-punk, D.I.Y. Buffalo bred & corn-fed poet.

Nathanael is bringing the goods from CWP Collective Press for the Book & Zine Fair and will be performing during the Sidewalk Pulp, a pop-up open mic!