Category Archive: Call for Submissions

Jul 22

Call for Submissions – CfDL #8

now reading for Citizens for Decent Literature #8 print and online due to be released as soon as it’s ready, probably sometime in October. subversive, revolutionary, disturbing?.. send it to us. By sending us a submission you are granting us permission to publish your work online and in a print zine and archive it forever …

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Jul 10

Call for Submissions: Silver Birch Press

Announcing the Silver Birch Press NOIR Erasure Poetry Anthology, a collection of passages from hardboiled detective novels — by Raymond Chandler, Dashiell Hammett, Ross MacDonald, and others — with sections marked out to create poems. If you’re unfamiliar with erasure poetry, check out our posts that feature The Great Gatsby erasure poems by james (w) …

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May 03

Call for Submissions – Snail Mail Review

The editors of Snail Mail Review are accepting submissions for their sixth issue. Submission Guidelines: We accept simultaneous submissions We do not accept previously published work Poetry: 3-5 poems, 35 lines each Short Fiction: 1-7pgs (max. 1500 words) Mail Submissions to: Snail Mail Review … C/O Christine Chesko 1694 Augusta Pointe Dr. Ripon, CA. 95366 …

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Mar 08

dadaist, surrealist, Outsider, and Outlaw poetry wanted at Zombie Logic Review

Zombie Logic Review is the online literary magazine of Zombie Logic Press, one of the Midwest’s oldest independent literary presses. It is edited by Thomas L. Vaultonburg and contains poetry, webcomics, artwork, and short videos. Zombie Logic Review publishes dadaist, surrealist, Outsider, and Outlaw poetry. Now taking submissions at For more information please visit …

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Jan 27

Wanted: The correct applicant for the unlikeliest job in Web-literature, the Political Editor for Unlikely Stories: Episode IV.

If this sounds like it would bring you enjoyment and enrichment, sue your parents for malpractice, verify that you’ve seen our submission guidelines, and introduce yourself to “us” at jonathan AT unlikelystories DOT org. MORE INFO HERE:

Jan 25

Call For Submissons: Occupy Underground

OCCUPY UNDERGROUND MAGAZINE Send whatever you’ve got along with a short description of who you are, where you’re from, and what you do to:

Nov 10

New Publication – Kleft Jaw – Call For Submissions Much like the Greek Klefts exploited by the ancient Ottoman Empire, we at Kleft Jaw seek to transcend the current reality of modern poetry/prose. We simply cannot believe, will not believe, will not lie & say there are limitations to the human consciousness. There is a magna-force of possibility, teeming inside all of us, …

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Nov 09

Call for Submissions from MAD RUSH

Mad Rush has returned from the abyss and is currently accepting everything you have to offer. Originally envisioned as a quarterly print magazine, Mad Rush will now be an online and print venture. Its new website will publish poems, flash, fiction, art, videos, and etc. on a daily basis. The print issues will be released …

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Oct 20

The Micro Award is open for submissions The Micro Award is a literary prize presented annually for fiction not exceeding 1000 words. The 6th Annual Micro Award is officially open for submissions until December 31st. Check out the official rules and submit your story today. Not only are we looking for great stories, but we’re also looking for a talented graphic …

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Sep 23

Call for Submissions: Lowlife

Lowlife – Magazine For The Arts Description Lowlife is a magazine for the arts focusing on the gritty, mundane, struggling, working-class aspects of life. The harder the times the greater the arts: Financially, Politically, Socially, Emotionally, Spiritually, Physically. We want writers and artists who notice the generic qualities of today’s films, books, music, paintings, artwork, …

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