I was dropped off where the
freeway ends, the guy had to
go well out of his way to find
an empty spot to let me out.
For about a mile long stretch
101 became a palm lined
boulevard crowded during the
summer months with block
after block of despair, an
endless line of hitchhikers
holding signs announcing
their destinations hoping to
attract the attention of someone
who just might be going the
same way, they know it will
be a long wait so they settle in,
heavy packs and suitcases used
for seats or opened for food or
maybe that Ram Dass book.
Then the scramble when a car
does stop often scares the driver
especially if he’s never been
through before and has never
hitched himself he does not
understand the helpless feeling
being at the mercy of some
stranger’s random kindness.
A van abruptly stopped in front
of me the door flew open
a loud voice said “get in!”
so, I threw in my pack and
jumped into the seat
before someone could
beat me to it.
Luck left me there for only
about five minutes,
plenty long enough
to be glad I was gone.
It was quiet until she showed
Up, her voice loud with a
Rough, raspy edge to it,
A rusty saw biting through
A wildfire scorched branch.
I’m trying to read but
Her words dominate the
Room, insert themselves and
Her travel plans into the book
Of poems open in front of me.
I grow annoyed, stop reading,
Sigh, then it occurs to me,
All of us in that waiting room
Are old, maybe she, like me,
Is hard of hearing, of course
I can certainly hear her but
She may not realize how
Loudly she is jabbering away
Toward her patient husband
Seated beside her, listening,
Occasionally responding.
I set aside my book and
Begin to write this poem.
M.J. Arcangelini, born 1952 in Pennsylvania, has resided in northern California since 1979. He has had work published in magazines, online journals, over a dozen anthologies, & 7 collections, the most recent of which are “Pawning My Sins” from Luchador Press, 2022 and “Fierce Kisses” from Squares & Rebels Press, 2024. A new chapbook “Hooking Up” is expected from Pure Sleaze Press in Spring 2025.
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