Tornado of Trouble
Do you want me?
my luck is lousy, I
live with a landlady
that measures her
tenants booze bottles
Her soul could melt man
hole covers, fire hydrants,
railroad spikes, she gave
me the July blues in winter
A giraffe, lion, magpie in
the cloudless cobalt sky, I
ate a salsa dog taco and had
enough for Cubano tobacco
I get free rent, in a life that’s
a joke, while greedy liars and
con artist politicians lead people
down a great path of destruction.

Antler and Catfish McDaris
Catfish McDaris was born in 1953 on Route 66 in New Mexico. On this main road across America, the Pueblo made bread and pottery and the Navajo made turquoise jewelry. The hippies sold marijuana and peyote, but Cat was too young to try it. He won the Uprising Award in 1999 and the Thelonius Monk Award in 2018.