Fuzzy liberals absorbing NPR
collecting unemployment
polishing soccer balls and minivans
scowling towards the
chippy conservatives absorbing FOX
collecting unemployment
polishing guns and pickup trucks
scowling back
tribal animosity
dolled up in mascara warpaint
credit scores
refinished basements
crown molding
designer handbags
fresh dead deer swinging from an oak
swollen tongue a loose pendulum-
the hunters no longer trust each other
they are making love to the mannequins
they are domesticating the mannequins
they are naming the mannequins Daphne and Chloe
toolbox dildos
ziplock condoms
olive oil lube
late at night
THEY send out the silent helicopters
spraying oxycodone over the suburbs
THEY slip weed into your mailbox
vodka in your tap water
xanax in your deli meat
being alive is the reality show-
riding kayaks in the live stream to your laptop
blowing your soul out via podcast
the sounds of plastic mice in the office:
swish click swish click click double click
you are the television glowing internally
a beacon of morning bacon to the world
a talking head in your heart
a broadcast of neon soul
–Shawn Misener