

Mar 10


Libya, Libya,
Libya, Libya, Libya
Libya, Libya,Libya!
We have already forgotten how
To spell Moammar Gadhafi’s last name
The other day on CNBC
I saw it on the screen
All in capital letters
With a K-A-D-D-A-F-Y
Why, I don’t know,
It certainly wasn’t the right spelling
But very humorous really
Because Kaddafy
Makes him sound Italian
Like a mobster
Kaddafy in his Cadillac
Kaddafy get the numbers
Kaddafy visit our friends at the airport
Kaddafy get the money
Kaddafy whack that fucker
Kaddafy hit him with a baseball bat
What a rebellion! What an uprising!
What a maroon! What a mess in the desert!

–Matthew Sradeja