

Feb 24

Ocean Beach Mind Murder

There is this force…
Golden vipers
Blooming into
Poinsettas and growing
Into illustrious orchids.

My knees freeze over
At the thought,
Staring down the sinkkole of the universe
Which is a color I can’t describe.

Losing sight of it all,
Standing at the urinal,
Below the Lifeguard tower,
4 times,
each taking 20 minutes to piss
and crying like a little girl
because of the release…

outerbody experience,
gutterbody, marzapan, red skull citadel, experience…

The ride here was like:

“San Diego, you’re pretty. You’re smart. Why don’t we go out sometime?”

inexplainable erections. Puberty.

“I’ve wanted to fuck you, San Diego, fuck you hard and maybe violently, since I was 8 years
old… Is that too much?”

Have I overstepped our boundaries?

I don’t even know if any other part of the universe exists right now…
Who can afford all this glitter you motherfuckers spray on this beach?
This is my 1st carton of o.j. and it ain’t even noon yet,
Or maybe it is…

I keep hearing the words bantamweight in my head,
And seeing rainbow, hologram hazard masks,
On my notebook…

–Frankie Metro