full Name: Luis Albert Rivas
dob: 10/12/82
city of birth: Los Angeles
population: More than 2, less than 100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000.
favorite childhood pastime: Drawing, I guess.
favorite childhood candy: Pelon Pelo Rico! (it's this Mexican tamarindo candy)
favorite cartoon: X Men
Sit or Spin? Yes
soda or coke? Soke
Vanilla, Chocolate or Twist? Soke = soda and coke
Planes, Trains, or Automobiles? Yup
favorite drink: Gasoline
where do you stand? On the edge of sanity
lucky number: ( o Y o )
worst habit: (__)_)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!D
how many licks does it take? :-0
worst author/book you have ever read: If I don't like something,
I usually put it down.  I've put down a lot of books but I can't
remember any names...

The Life and Times of Luis Rivas--
Movie Title: As I Type, As I Breathe, As I Wait - or Throw Away Your Children
Soundtrack: Schubert Symphonies with random Flesh Parade songs off the Kill Whitey album