
The Orange Spotlight
What to Wear During an Orange Alert, September 20, 2011.

Red Reader #1 (Red Fez Print, 8/2/11)

I am as guilty as the next guy or girl. I find myself getting sucked in more and more to the digital world I have created for myself. I have my e-reader/tablet, smart phone, laptop, and I have massed a collection of epubs, I convert pdf’s that folks send my way to review into epubs and read them on my tablet. When I received a package last month from Michele McDannold I was sucked out of my simulated world and brought back to a world that I once loved and embraced. Not only does this anthology contain wonderful poetry and prose from writers like Shaindel Beers, Aleathia Drehmer, Misti Rainwater-Lites, Luis Rivas, and so many more, but it is everything that DIY/Indie publishing should be.

Red Reader #1 is sandpaper and spray paint, is cut and paste, is scotch tape, is collage art, is retro, is beautifully rugged, and made with so much love, care and understanding. Take a break from all things digital and remember what it means to create living and breathing art.