Pin´del•dy•boz (Pin' dl dë bôz), n. ABOUT PINDELDYBOZ, THE EMPIREPindeldyboz is an operation run by a small but valiant group of people. We publish creative works here on our website and we used to release a print volume once a year. We have been known to publish much fiction, some nonfiction, and artwork makes an irregular appearance. We released our first and only poetry collection in 2007. The Web Edition of Pindeldyboz has published over 1200 stories by more than 600 authors over the last seven years. One time, we were named the Best Online Publication of 2003 in the StorySouth Million Writers competition. That was cool. Recently, stories from Pboz online were featured in the Best American Fantasy collection. It's fun when web things magically turn themselves into paper. The Print Edition of Pindeldyboz was indeed a triumphant, if not profitable, venture. John Verbos's story, "Lost Boys", was included in the 2003 Best American Non-Required Reading, and we were honored to be noticed by the editors of New Stories From the South, The Year's Best, who chose Corey Mesler's "The Growth and Death of Buddy Gardner" out of our first issue for their 2002 prize collection. The goal of at least one of the editors was to develop Pindeldyboz into an imprint at one of America's large and fine publishing houses, and thus be able to select and publish novel-length works while maintaining the grass-roots nature of this publication. An alternative would have been an enormous monetary gift from a wealthy benefactor, which would allow all of that to happen, but without the corporate oppression. If anyone has a lead on either of these pipe dreams, please let us know immediately, although the time for them has largely passed. For the most part, at this point, we're just floating merrily along. THE MASTHEADWhitney Steen Grace Bello Nora Fussner Rohan Bassett Andrew Borgstrom Nicole Derr J.A. Tyler Benjamin Balcomb Whitney Pastorek Jeff Boison |