

Sep 15

Brooks and the Shawshank Piano

by Dan Provost

The piano notes in Shawshank Redemption
So daunting…
So final…
Brooks knew it—the fear of living.
Every step out in the world is a claw
to the stomach; a bayonet that churns
when you attempt to try to converse
with the normal.
This is no way to survive…this failure to understand mankind.
The piano still echoes—Brooks knives his name on a
beam in the halfway house.
The final act of a man who had enough.
The noose is tied,
Piano keys…isolation
chords play…listen.
Think your life story—one last time
in a span of seconds.
Then kick back the chair…let the neck break.
No more remorse, hatred or loneliness…
The piano still plays the last pangs of individual defeat.
Just listen