

May 13

New Release from Phantom Kangaroo

Issue No. 7 is now available online from Phantom Kangaroo featuring the work of Annie Neugebauer, Daniel Romo, Febe Moss, Franklin Murdock, Glenn Cooper, Harry Calhoun, Jane Roken, Kimberly Casey, Nathan Savin Scott, Paul McQuade, Robert Vaughan, Ty Russell and Wendy Willis.

This is a very special issue for me because it’s Friday the 13th. I’ve been preparing by scaring myself all week, driving down dark roads, calling out ghosts, pretending that I love you. Because of this I’ve been staying up late at night, looking at the stars, stealing their stories, and wondering how in the hell I’m going to be able to translate them. I think maybe I’ll just post them here and you can read them for yourself. Here are 13 stories written by 13 stars.  —Claudia Lamar, May 2011