Cento 2025
(based on a quote in Timothy Snyder’s book ‘On Tyranny,’ which comes from a
German Jewish newspaper editorial dated February 2, 1933)
Do not subscribe to the view that… Will implement the proposals circulating in… Will not suddenly deprive… Of their constitutional rights… Nor enclose them in… Nor subject them to… Jealous and murderous impulses of the mob… Cannot do this because… Crucial factors hold powers in check… Clearly do not want… To go down that road… When one acts… As a… Power… The whole atmosphere tends towards… Revisiting one’s earlier oppositional posture… And away from… Ethical reflection upon one’s better self… And away from… Away from
Milenko (Miles) Budimir’s newest book of poems is Licorice Heart (Roadside Press). He’s also the author of two poetry chapbooks; Departures (Burning River) and Rustbelt Romance (deep cleveland). His poems have appeared in a variety of publications including most recently (Everything Is) Cells and Bodies: Ohio Migration Anthology Volume Two; the Edith Chase Symposium anthology Songs for Wild Ohio; Show us Your Papers: An Anthology (Main Street Rag); Gasconade Review; Poetrybay; Pittsburgh Poetry Review; Great Lakes Review; and The Toledo Free Press, among others. His freelance writing has appeared in Balkanist and BELT. He works as a philosophy lecturer and a technical writer and editor in the Cleveland area.