Side of Grits


I'm Just Saying....

Every night I expect the aliens
to be looking through my windows.

In the morning,
find tulips and

Zachary Kluckman

Zachary Kluckman lives in a state of animated suspension in albuquerque, where he publishes and produces poetry for television, page and stage. Kluckman is the Executive Director of the world's first Slam Poet Laureate Program, as well as Executive Director of NM Poetry Tangents, the world's only poetry advocacy agency. Known for his self-defined style and vivid imagery, he is also a poetry teacher and work-shop facilitator, poetry reviewer and contributing editor to several magazines and an actor. Past publications include the Dos Passos Review, Cutthroat and Plain Spoke among others. Kluckman, who has published and performed broadly, is currently hard at work on his new book, The Bone-Fly flies.

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