Full Name: Scot Young
dob: new years day
Place of Birth: missouri
Currently Resides in: missouri
Occupation: education
Whose Team are you on?  my 1st grade report stated--
"does not play well with others"
What are your Colors?  What goes good with black?
What do you Drive?   a 17  mile a gallon truck--send money
IPod or Stereo?  ipod with dylan, waits, bassie, parker rock,
country--and a little blues
To Buk or Not to Buk?  been bukin' for over 30 years  (see
Vanilla, Chocolate or Twist : always a twist and salt
licquor, beer, or a/a:  2 buck chuck's wine
weed, smack or n/a  : I grew up in the 70s but never inhaled
Planes, Trains, or automobiles: planes if possible
Coke or Pepsi: No fries--chips.  No pepsi--coke
Pen or Pencil: laptop
Briefs or Boxers: let them boys play
Stop or Yield: slow roll
What does Simon say: Yes Paula