Full Name: William McDowell Taylor Jr.
Date of Birth: November 13, 1967
Place of Birth: Bakersfield, CA.
Currently Resides in: San Francisco, CA.
Occupation: Shropshire Slasher

William NEEDS: Sleep, money.
William GIVES: A damn, sometimes.
Whose Team are you on? I never made the team.
What are your Colors? Black.
What do you Drive? I don't.
IPod or Stereo? Ipods are for housewives and little girls.
To Buk or Not to Buk? Buk, Sure.
Vanilla, Chocolate or Twist Twist sounds just fine.
liquor, beer, or a/a Mostly wine & beer.
weed, smack or n/a Weed, occasionally.
Planes, Trains, or automobiles Trains fer sure.
Coke or Pepsi Coke Zero or Pepsi Jazz.
Pen or Pencil Depends on what I'm doing.
Briefs or Boxers Boxers.
Stop or Yield. I have no opinion on the matter.
What does Simon say? There are 50 ways to leave your lover.