: full Name
city of birth: London
population: Millions
current residence: London
favorite place: Kings Cross Sydney
fave person: Myself
least fave person: Myself
favorite childhood pastime: Shoplifting
favorite childhood candy: Texan
favorite cartoon: Parsley the Lion
can't live with: Women
can't live without: Women
first job: Appretenice Ulpholsterer
first car: Never had a car
first (??): ??
Sit or Spin? Sit
To Buk or Not to Buk? If Bukkake, no as too
messy, but if yes Bukowski, then yes
the bomb? The bombers
greatest conspiracy: Hitler was Jewish
soda or coke: cocaine
Planes, Trains, or Automobiles: Trains
favorite drink: Beer
where do you stand? On the ground
lucky number: 13
worst habit: Being employed
What does Simon say? Fuck Simon
how many licks does it take? Depends on the

The Life and Times of Joseph Ridgwell--
Movie Title: The Search for the Lost Elation
Soundtrack: Gram Parsons

Joseph Ridgwell

First chapbook of poetry, Where are the Rebels, to be published by Blackheath Books in October.

Limited edition, signed copies available from