.joseph douglas reich
new york, new york
whose team: used to be die hard yankee
fan when they had thurman munson & mick
"the quick" rivers & fred "the chicken" stanley
& goose gossage but now hard to say, dun know
kind of like the chicago cubs vs st. louis rivalry
when they had good old hary cary navigating
narrarating the game keeping me company
in the background when i was feeling
excrutiatingly lonely, now like my
uncle from hot'lanta say they're all
just a bunch of freaking prostitutes
actually now that i think about it
what would that make the owners
a posse of punks and pimps?
what do i drive either my
old beat up forester with
plenty of dinks and dents
or my wife's asian car
swear to god don't
know what kind
which has bumper
stickers which read
"would you rather
be right or happy?"
"normal people worry me"
and "county donegal" from our
godmother from the emerald isle
would definately like to try a
bundle a smack as it's been
an awfully long time since
i tried of course
in a controlled
and contained
clean needles
and all have only
tried sniffing a long
time ago picking up
bags scrambling up
some strange scary
corridors of lower
east side summer
simon says stop waiting
at the red light and get
a fucken life
a real wife
like method man's
bitch who always got his back
don't know how to work an ipod
wouldn't even know one if i ran
into one and hopefully have
the opportunity to run over
someone wearing one
Volume 1, Issue 1
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"Pillow Talk"