Kenneth Pobo
Elmhurst, IL
Media, PA Teacher, English and Creative Writing
Kenneth Pobo needs Bette Davis films, a CD anthology of Tommy James and
the Shondells rarities, to see the Repub Party dissolve like the Wicked
Witch at the end of The Wizard of Oz.
Kenneth Pobo gives water to his garden, gives his cats good advice,
gives his shelves interesting books to live with.
I am on a team made of lavender. And burgundy-colored hibiscuses.
My colors are salmon, coral, and apricot.
I drive a Ford Escort but I loathe cars.
I have an Ipod, unused. I'm a stereo/CD boy.
I love to buk.
Vanilla is overlooked but like Gary Lewis & The Playboys sang in
December 1965: "Don't you know that/ She's just my style."
I loathe beer, not as much as veggies, but adore martinis.
I don't do weed or drugs. When I quit smoking in 1988 I swore no smoke would
ever again dash down into my poor weary lungs.
Trains are best and if we had a decent government (yeah, right) public
transportation, especially the rails, would be welcomed.
Actually, give me Fresca.
Pen, but I do my writing on the computer.
Underwear is such an encumbrance, but if I must wear it, I'll take Old Navy
I stop when need be. Yielding, well, I have troubles with it and need
to work on it.
Simon Says was a big hit by the 1910 Fruitgum Company in March 1968.
Oh, blessed Fruitgum days! Simon today says "Don't vote for McCrackpot and
avoid the evil eye of Cindy McMummy."
Volume 1, Issue 1
Late Nite
"A Pair of Corpses"