full Name: Timothy Murray
dob: 3-11-77
city of birth: East Gary
population: 600 yam farmers
current residence: Northwest Indiana
favorite place: hall closet
fave person: You
least fave person: Sean Hannity
favorite childhood pastime: listening to records
favorite childhood candy: asbestos
favorite cartoon: Rubik the Amazing Cube
can't live with: myself
can't live without: rejection
first job: plumber's sidekick
first car: ˜78 Pontiac Bonneville aka Bonnie the Courageous
first (??): very giant ham
Sit or Spin?  barf
Chicken or Egg? burgoo
To Buk or Not to Buk? Buk is swell. His imitators ain't.
Frozen or Fresh? Laser
the bomb? Yes please.
lots of bombs? Fox news
who was on the grassy knoll? Sister Mary Linoleum
do we care? I hope not.
greatest conspiracy: Human existence.
soda or coke: pop
Vanilla, Chocolate or Twist: Squid flavored.
Planes, Trains, or Automobiles: RIP John Candy
favorite drink: Shark Dust.
where do you stand? Behind George Bush.
lucky number: 29
worst habit: breathing
What does Simon say? I'm going to Graceland.
how many licks does it take? 4 or 5
worst author/book you have ever read: Tim Murray

The Life and Times of Tim Murray--
Movie Title: The Myriad Joys of Repeatedly Hitting Myself on the Head
With a Rubber Mallet

Soundtrack:  Oral Uterus albums

Links? www.deathtotheworld.com
Volume 1, Issue 1
Beverages & Dessert