full Name: Bradley Mason Hamlin
dob: 11/20/63
grew up in: Los Angeles
population: yes
favorite childhood pastime: reading comic books
favorite childhood candy: pez
favorite cartoon:
Space Ghost and Dino Boy (1966)

soda or coke: 7-Up
Vanilla, Chocolate or Twist: Strawberry
Planes, Trains, or Automobiles: Rockets
favorite drink: Mystery Island Mai Tai
where do you stand? In the kitchen, mostly
lucky number: 1313 Mockingbird Lane
worst habit: writing poetry
how many licks does it take? until she shakes like a wildcat
worst author/book you have ever read: The Roman-edited Kings James Bible.

The Life and Times of Bradley Mason Hamlin--
Movie Title: Nobody Surfs Forever
Soundtrack: Dick Dale and His Del-Tones

Links? http://thesunwillexplode.blogspot.com
misc.....911 was an inside job.
Volume 1, Issue 1
"The Blind Girl"