Full Name: Michael Dylan Grover
Date of Birth: 3/24/68
Place of Birth: West Palm Beach, Fl
Currently Resides in: Toledo, Oh
Occupation: Wordslinger

Michael NEEDS: Less Drama
Michael GIVES: Love
Whose Team are you on? Beards
What are your Colors? Blue
What do you Drive? Buik
IPod or Stereo? Stereo
To Buk or Not to Buk? Buk but don't glamorize the negatives like
everyone does
Vanilla, Chocolate or Twist: Vanilla
licquor, beer, or a/a: Beer and a shot or two
weed, smack or n/a: Weed
Planes, Trains, or automobiles: Whatever gets me there
Coke or Pepsi: Don't drink much hydroginated stuff
Pen or Pencil: Pen
Briefs or Boxers: Boxers
Stop or Yield: Yield
What does Simon say? I didn't listen
Volume 1, Issue 1
Hot Plates
"A Shotgun Does the Trick"