Full Name: Joseph Goosey
Date of Birth: 9/23/86
Place of Birth: OH
Currently Resides in: FL
Occupation: Ugh.

Joseph NEEDS: Dinner and Kahlua.
Joseph GIVES: Not much to give.
Whose Team are you on? The wrong one.
What are your Colors? Harvard Crimson.
What do you Drive? A car without a turn signal.
IPod or Stereo? I'm with the times.
To Buk or Not to Buk? Of course Buk.
Vanilla, Chocolate or Twist: Twist
licquor, beer, or a/a: Beer chaser
weed, smack or n/a: Rails and lines.
Planes, Trains, or automobiles: fine film.
Coke or Pepsi: Pepsi is unacceptable
Pen or Pencil: Pen.
Briefs or Boxers: N/A
Stop or Yield: Neither.
What does Simon say? I'm so bad at that game