full Name: Misha Firer
date of birth: 25/04/1979
city of birth: Ul'yanovsk, USSR
population: decreasing
current residence: Moscow, Russian Federation
can't live without: love, books, traveling
can't live with: stupidity
favorite place: California
fave person: myself
least fave person: don't have one
the bomb? no
lots of bombs? definitely not
who was on the grassy knoll? don't care
do we care? nope
greatest conspiracy: Cold War
soda or coke: Coke
Vanilla, Chocolate or Twist: Vanilla
Planes, Trains, or Automobiles: Planes
favorite drink: Water
where do you stand? To the left
lucky number: 25
worst habit: selfishness
how many licks does it take? one, maximum two
worst author/book you have ever read: Karl Marx "Der Kapital"

The Life and Times of Misha Firer--
Movie Title: Rebel Without A Course
Soundtrack: Something by Tchaikovsky

Links? just google
misc.....see you there
Volume 1, Issue 1
Late Nite
"Power of Desperation"