full name: Paul Corman-Roberts
dob: 9/25/67
place of birth: Lost Angeles CA
population: Yes
currently resides: Oakland CA
favorite childhood pastime: What, besides TV?
fave childhood candy: Nutter Butters
first job: Landscaper
first car: '77 Toyota Pickup
first (?): I'll never tell.
soda or coke: C...c...c...coke
frozen or fresh: thawed
To Buk or Not to Buk? - To Not To Buk Is Not An Option
Vanilla, Chocolate or Twist? - Chocolate
Licquor, Beer, or a/a - Beer
Weed, Smack, or n/a - Shrooms
Planes, Trains, or Automobiles - Hush puppies
Who wears the Pants in the family? - The 4 year old
What does Simon say? - Bhaaaaaaaah

The Life and Times of
Paul Corman-Roberts...
the movie title:
Hack Wins The Lottery
soundtrack: Loud


Volume 1, Issue 1
Hot Plates
"The Consequences of Symbolism"