Full Name:  James Danger Babbs
Date of Birth:  i'm old
Place of Birth:  not too far away
Currently Resides in:  Illinois    
Occupation:  government work
James NEEDS:  women who aren't crazy...is that redundant?
James GIVES:  at the office
Whose Team are you on? i play with myself
What are your Colors? hmmmmmm
What do you Drive?  a lot of people crazy, maybe that explains the women thing
IPod or Stereo?  what's an ipod
To Buk or Not to Buk?  definitley buk all the way
Vanilla, Chocolate or Twist  neapolitan in the cardboard container
licquor, beer, or a/a  yes and as often as possible
weed, smack or n/a  not in a really long time
Planes, Trains, or automobiles automobiles
Coke or Pepsi coke and jack daniels but i've been known to drink a vanilla pepsi every now and then
Pen or Pencil pen, black medium cheap..ten for a buck @ wal-mart
Briefs or Boxers boxers
Stop or Yield  yield, because i'm never going to stop
What does Simon say?  you may possibly be the worst singer i've ever heard

Volume 1, Issue 1
Beverages & Dessert
"The Plan"