A Good Harbor
swings wide the doors of refuge.
will share only with one other
this time of lament.
her eyes haze with mist
as she is forced to take another look.
their knowledge is still impervious
to the real
of what life is,
the shape-shadow of death.
hands shove that thought backward
refuse to acknowledge the feel,
the existence, of anything
seemingly so alien
to this curious world.
nostrils quiver as they imagine
a new aroma
on my clothes
on my flesh
in my hair
as I do also, and will, until
the heavy veil falls
and love notes emerge to become
once again
the warmth of a newer reality,
stair steps to climb later, for
renewal, without the turmoil
which seethes within the quiet tomb
of this rumpus room
–Joyce Metzger