on opening a window by tpf

on opening a window

I looked out the window today
there were trees in the yard
across the street where
all the windows were closed
without drapes or
too many clean spots
on the glass where
the people lurked
in shadows of a room
too dark to see
(beer and such.)

So I opened the window today
there was a way to
stick my head out
to look at the sky
clouds moved
in white static
animal shapes
of owls hawks
and blurred
vapor trails

definetely not digital
hard to read and
probably not accurate
measures of any future
events of 30 seconds
or less to come
(medi-oric orgasms
shared by the people
in suits)

But anyway I opened the window today
to see what was on television
news and weather in the morning
it was something
to be there first
it looks like rain
water from the sky
a natural phenomenon
dissected frogs at 10
falling out the sky
probably a storm
picked them up when
they weren’t looking
at anything except
maybe flies in the swamp

*commercial break*
buy beer but don’t drink
it all in
and drive
the women crazy
sex smells
*end break*

So I closed the window today
the sky didn’t have it right
storms in the afternoon
70% chance of
just another


babbitt by tpf


creature of habit
of knowing it all
conscience perverted
moral groper and beater
of women and dead
hippies are the best kind
of like indians
and gracious he
wasn’t he smug as a
can of raid kills
and no pest strips
saved he knew he saved
talents under a bushel
and bad
cleansing and hair oil
where they would never
be found or
used against him
fondling his genitals
in the dark
they could have been
anyone’s and that was
his strength and
secret stubble

with a bad breath
stale airwick
air freshner on a stick
stale bread
molded on the edges
capped by grand forays
into woolworth and piggly
wiggly food
spinning honey butter
gilding gilded
nothing ventured
nothing knew.
