Dear Stephen,
Let me send you my two most recent poems. I’m writing in French now, translating into English, having the French corrected by my Parisian son-in-law at MIT, taking advantage of having the guy as a son-in-law.
What I WISH you’d do is publish them in both versions.
Maybe need a little note about Lili Boulanger, something like”Lili Boulanger was an early twentieth century French composer who produced a large, mature body of work before her premature death at age 25.” See what you think.
–Hugh Fox
Dear Hugh,
Wish granted. I think it is formidable.
–Stephen Morse
Je suis dans un Paris de
reves d’eternite de beaute,
la riviere, les plus vieux batiments,
Le sacre Coeur qui saigne sur la ville
qui hier a mang’ les elephants
dans le parc zoologique,
les rois et les rebellions toutes
terminees, pas de pauvres et de riches,
ceux qui ont et ceux qui n’ont pas,
seulemente Les Louvres revees
restent, coupoles et toits,
colonees qui se souviennent
des grecs et des romains,
tout qui coule comme la Seine,
la precisement pourquoi
presque rien
disparait comme Lili,
–Hugh Fox
I’m in a Paris of dreams of
eternal beauty, the river,
the old buildings, the church of
the Sacred Heart that bleeds
over a city where yesterday
the revolutionaries
ate the elephants in the city zoo,
all the kings and revolutions over,
no more poor and rich, haves and
have-nots, only the dream Louvres
left, cupolas and roofs, columns that
remember the Greeks and Romans,
everything that flows like the Seine,
there precisely because almost nothing
disappears like Lili
–Hugh Fox
Petit, soixante-dix ans,
Autrichien juif, ses premieres annees
a Auschwitz, mais sa famille (mystere)
y rechappant, autre mystere comment il est arrive’
au Michigan et s’est mari avec une Irlandaise convertie
au judaisme, toujours drole comme un petit
chimpanz, mais en meme temps toute l’histoire du
monde un millimetre sous la surface de son crane,
mort aujourdhui, je ne peux pas aller a l’enterrement
lundi pour voir une grand partie de moi-meme
–Hugh Fox
Tiny, seventy years old,
Austrian Jew, his first years
in Auschwitz, but his family (mystery)
escaped, another mystery how he got
to Michigan and married and Irish woman
converted to Judaism, always funny like
a little chimp, but at the same time the whole
history of the world one millimeter under the
surface of his skull, dead today, and I can’t
go to the buriel Monday to see a great part of
–Hugh Fox