Juice online is a virtual publication of Juice Press. Juice Press has been in existence sine the mid ’70s. This is the 2003 edition of Juice online.

Editors: Judy L. Brekke, Stephen S. Morse
Contributing Editor: Dannan O’Brian (aka Mugsy)


John Bennett

Judy L. Brekke

Robert E. Dahlman

Lucille Lang Day

Gene Fowler

Hugh Fox

Bradley Mason Hamlin

Ben L. Hiatt

Barbara Hilal

Douglas Holder

Charlotte Hurd

Michele Lamberti

Lyn Lifshin

Lynze N

William Marsland

Joyce Metzger

Wendell Metzger

Stephen Morse

Dannon O’Brien

beluvid ola-jendai


Eve Savage

Laura Stamps


Cindy Wright

Juice has been awarded support grants by CCLM, a funding arm of the National Endowment of the Arts, has been archived in the Oakland Museum, Oakland, CA; early members of COSMEP (committe of small magazine editors and publishers) and have had limited but international distribution through libraries, individual subscriptions, and independent bookstores.

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