

May 25

New Release from Jersey Devil Press

Jersey Devil Press, Issue Twenty-One

This month’s stories are all about facing that destiny, in one way or another. We start with J. David Bell’s “A Chimaera Story With Four Morals,” a tale about a father and son and a march toward the inevitable. Next are two tales about playing with the strange and unfortunate hands Fate dealt: “Literary Ops,” by K. Marvin Bruce, and “The Swell Foop,” by Mindela Ruby. After that, it’s “The Six,” by Ainslie Hogarth, about a massive turd wrenching one man’s life irrevocably. And, finally, we close with “The Stupidest Thing I Ever Heard,” by Kimberly Steele, a story about how maybe destiny isn’t quite so destined after all.

The online version of Issue Twenty-One is here, and the .pdf can be downloaded here. Read it like you don’t have a choice.